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04-01-2017: Q @ East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA

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Independent Cadet
Small Steps Big Dreams - Silver
Starcross Kidets - Silver

Scholastic Middle School
1. 60.40 - Conrad Weiser MS

Independent Junior
1. 73.65 - Vega Junior Guard

Scholastic Regional
1. 81.89 - Palisades HS
2. 79.41 - Jefferson Twp HS
3. 78.85 - Allentown Central Catholic HS
4. 76.44 - Conrad Weiser HS
5. 67.85 - Schuylkill Haven HS

Independent Regional
1. 84.69 - Polaris Guard
2. 72.88 - Snyder Winterguard

Scholastic Intermediate
1. 85.15 - Perkiomen Valley HS
2. 74.83 - Lake Lehman HS

Independent Intermediate
E. 72.59 - Q2

Scholastic A
1. 79.75 - Winslow Twp HS

Independent A
1. 81.58 - Classics

Independent Senior
1. 79.48 - The Guard

Independent Open
E. 88.30 - Q Performance Ensemble

Marching Percussion

Scholastic Intermediate
1. 75.65 - Lake-Lehman HS

Stationary Percussion

Independent A
1. 65.80 - StarCross Percussion


Independent Cadet
Small Steps Big Draems - Silver

Scholastic Middle School
1. 87.11 - Salisbury MS

Independent Junior
1. 81.70 - Rhythm in Motion Jr Twirlers
2. 72.94 - Impact Twirlers

Independent A
1. 72.22 - Impact Twirlers

Independent Open
1. 79.80 - Rrythm in Motion Sr Twirlers

Scholastic World
1. 83.80 - Salisbury HS

Independent World
1. 79.90 - Elite Twirlers


Independent Cadet
Small Steps Big Dreams - Silver



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